Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Hey People, Please Help!!

Tragic Kingdom Dress Stolen From Fullerton Museum Center

This afternoon the Fullerton Museum Center reported the theft of the red vinyl dress worn by Gwen Stefani on the cover of No Doubt's Tragic Kingdom album. It is believed the dress was stolen between 2:30 and 3:30 PM on Tuesday, January 11 from an exhibit on the history of Orange County Rock 'n' Roll.

The Fullerton Police Department is investigating. If you have any information on the case or the whereabouts of the dress, please call Sergeant Jason Schoen of the Fullerton Police department at (714) 738-5336 or call (714) 738-6715 and ask for the watch commander. Our foremost priority in this matter is the safe return of the dress as it means a lot to the band - it can be returned, NO QUESTIONS ASKED, to either of these addresses:

Fullerton Museum Center
301 North Pomona Avenue Fullerton,
CA 92832 714-738-6545 Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday & Sunday, Noon to 4 PM
*There is an after hours package drop box on the East side of the museum

Rebel Waltz, Inc.
31652 2nd Avenue Laguna Beach,
CA 92651 949-499-4497 Monday - Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM
*There is an after hours package drop box by the front gate.

It is our sincere hope that whomever took the dress will return it as soon as possible. Again, if you have any information, please call.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Baby needed a new pair of boots!

And here they are!


I can't wait! Now that I have a digi-cam I'm going to sell some of my doc's on e-bay. I don't know how much I'll be able to get, but anything will help.

I promise I'll make a real post soon. I'm recovering from a bad throat bug that snuck up on me on New Years Eve. Damn germ ridden airplanes. Maybe Howard Hughes had it right.......

besos, Tragic Tuyen

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


That "thud" you just heard was the sound of me being dropped from my classes. I would have put it on my VISA but the uni charges 3% more.


I'll ask Lisa what to do, she knows about these things.

besos, Tragic

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Teensy Update

Why so I always leave these things to the last second?! Tomorrow my tuition is due for school or my two classes I've registered for will be dropped. (Of these two, I will probably only take one).

Total Amount Due: 1486.00

Oh crap! I could put it on my VISA, but, but.... I was finally making some headway on that. Argh. What to do, what to do.

oh yeah.....


PS. I miss my Cyber boyfriend.